Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Handling Clutter, Part One

FlyLady (see link at right) writes today:
     Some of you still don't believe me when I say that you cannot organize clutter; you can only get rid of it! For the life of me I can't understand why you won't just try it. I have given you little assignments to clear off areas so that you can feel the difference the free space has on your life. Yet you are still refusing to let it go!
     The result in not releasing your clutter is that you are not finding success with your routines and you are not FLYing yet. The guilt is weighing you down. You are blaming everyone but yourself for the problems you are having. Some of you blame our emails and complain that they are the clutter, while others of you blame your spouse or children. The truth is you are the problem because you will not let it go!
What have I blamed? Our crash that kept me from doing much due to my back. No longer. Working? Not so much this summer. Just teaching one class for DUI offenders and attending one DUI training and taking one seminary counseling class. So it is back, folks--TIME TO WORK ON CLUTTER--rested from vacation, my cruise.

My friend Sally is also my inspiration to work on clutter. She has a new office and has handled/is handling her clutter at their charming home. She also has an organized storage room. We both know that our days of functioning husbands (before Alzheimer's takes it toll) are numbered and the more organized we can become the wiser we will be. Dolores moved, downsized, and handles clutter very well--also an inspiration to us all.

Sally and Jake (not their real names) will be here later and our husbands will hang out while we go to our monthly Alzheimer's Association support group. Then we four will go to dinner observing Weight Watcher ppv (Points Plus Values) at the restaurant.
Meanwhile I am de-cluttering so Sally sees my progress before she comes. I am pinning some progress on Pinterest on my Organizing Board so you might want to follow the pictures there. The link is at the lower right. I have SO much to do in this house.

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