Thursday, July 8, 2010


Yesterday I went with my husband to his doctor. We discussed how expensive his medicine is and she made some changes which can save money.  Basically she said, "I don't want you to mortgage your house for his medicine." I will write more about this with a forthcoming post.

Before he took a that thirty question test, she repeated what I had heard her say before. "I don't understand how you worked so long."

"It was his long-term memory," I said and she seemed to agree.

In front of him she said, "His dementia will not be getting any better!"

"Should we see a neurologist to see what kind of dementia he has?"

"You can," was the reply but we didn't arrange for one yet.

After she left, her nurse came in to give my husband THE TEST. He scored 25 points! Now mind you in December of 2008 he scored 22 out of 30 and she told him point blank, "You have dementia." His points have been going up, with the last one being 24 out of 30 six months ago. I was prepared that we were going to go downhill especially after she said, "His dementia will not be getting any better!"

It has occurred to me that I am fretting too much. I have been reading books that fan my worry and tomorrow I start a three session caregiver's class. I have been a widow once, and I am just going to enjoy being his wife and ask our Lord to help with the worry. Look up these verses--some of my favorites.
Philippians 4:6,7,12,13 and I Peter 5:7
So tonight I told my hubby that I was going to a health class tomorrow. He wanted to know what kind. I said it is a class for me to be the best wife I can be for you to train me in caregiving for dementia. I didn't use the A word--Alzheimer's. He seemed to feel I am making a mountain out of a mole hill. Just trying to be the best wife I can under the circumstances, sweetheart!


  1. I think your attitude is great. Anxiety in the heart of a man brings him down but a good word makes him glad! (paraphrase) Making the most of your God given time together is precious. Do you attribute the improvements to the Coconut Oil?

  2. I never read anything about Alz's . It just makes me sad. I admit I read a small pamlet that my newphew gave me and it had some great ideas on how to get mom to eat better and it worked. But the rest of the time I just play it by hear. Oh! I know what you mean about meds.cost. When my mom was buying her own meds. she was paying over $500 a month from a local pharmacy but when I took over I had everything change to generic and started buying it at Walmart. The price game down to less that $150 to $200 but now she is on Hospice so Medicare takes care of everything. Good luck . You are doing a great job.
