Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections on Blogging for Four Years

My first post was 12/31/08. Somehow after four years Plant City Lady and Friends seems to have taken off--over 37,000 hits in four years according to Goggle and over 800 comments in four years.  Now some comments were by me (or NewKidontheBlogg the name I first used), There are 269 published posts and over a dozen waiting to be posted. When we were out-of-town last week, I blogged three times from my overflow of thoughts. Today I have added a new blog feature--a chronology at the top of this blog that I will add to from time to time. At times medical people find this blog and they may be interested in the progression of the disease.

Thank you, LORD, for all you have taken me through as I have reflected and written here and for the friends I have met on the computer who comment here or write books I love:

1. Barb started following this blog in maybe September of 2010. She writes "Cleaning Up the Clutter", a constant theme on this blog. This young mother is maybe 30 years younger than I am and she always tracks what I write. I think of her like a niece, but I can’t for the life of me remember how we met. We both love to write and she has patiently taught me Pinterest and invited me to some of her favorite blogs. One day Barb will be a published author and a syndicated columnist like Marianne Walsh is who also has joined this bog.

2. Marianne does "We Band of Mothers" blog and writes a parenting column for The Chicago Tribune. She always makes me laugh and often with her comments here lately. Her coauthored book, Epic Mom, is fresh off the press.  Recently Marianne asked me if I ever sleep. Yes, Marianne, I do sleep between 6-7 hours each night, and often blog after four hours of sleep. I have drafts I haven't even posted yet, written in the middle of the night. Maybe I should get back to organizing our master bedroom instead of writing, however.

3. Ruby just turned 50. Why am I at age 68 so lucky to have young friends? Ruby also cracks me up with her waiting with "bated breath” to see my housekeeping. Yes, Ruby, it has been two months since I have reported on area #4--the master bedroom. Ruby and I met on a Christian blog and have been following each other ever since. In fact, in 2009 she even wrote the Foreword to my book, Getting Off the Niceness Treadmill. She read every chapter before it went to press. She spells funny (honour) because she lives in Australia. We also play Wordscraper and now Words With Friends on Facebook and she is soooo good at these games, despite her funny spelling. I think we both cheat with sites like

4. I have interviewed caregivers Dolores, LaTane, Laurie. There are several others I also hope to interview--perhaps Dana and Karen who write here. Dana's husband is in his last days (pray). Karen was her late mother's cheerful and wise caregiver and  is now in the caregiving field I believe.

5. Then there are the authors: Joseph Potocny (who has Alzheimer's), and Christian authors Staci Eastin and Mindy Starns Clark who influence my de-cluttering journey. Linda Born wrote My Mom Has Alzheimer’s and is now about to come out with a novel The Children Are Tender.

6. Living on Less Money is so loyal to this blog and  always challenges me with questions to keep this blog going. I do so want to follow her example of wise frugal living.

Thanks to all of you and there are many others who have posted here including friends from church and even my Alzheimer's Association facilitator. When I know of your needs, I pray for them. When I don't know, I also pray for you. I pray every Friday for social media friends--much stronger bond than many Facebook friends we all have.

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Carol - Thank you! You've been an inspiration to me! I don't remember how we met, either - lol. I've been blogging for four years this week, too. I always enjoy your blog!

  2. I can't remember how we found each other's blogs either, but have really enjoyed following yours and would love to meet someday. I consider you one of my first "cyber-friends" because we are of like mind in so many ways. Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to many more of those posts!

  3. I am so touched. You are an amazing blogger, and someone I look to when I wonder if unconditional love really exists. Thank you for the mention & being an inspiration for the kind of person I would like to be. Happy New Year to you, my friend!

  4. It is amazing how the blogging world opens up so many avenues of friendship. You mention ages, and I think that is one thing which is not so relevant among bloggers.
    Your email to me mentioned suggestions for blogging and care giving. This made me smile!! I may have been blogging for a while but I would never presume to give you advice on care giving. You are a wonderful role model in that area!

    All the best for 2013 to you and your dear husband.

  5. Hello My Friend,
    I like the clean and bright style of this blog of yours. I as you know am saty and direct but I will contain this angry brain of mine. I cannot even remember when you first commented on my blog but we still differ on coconut oil, but that is ok. I posted a study on asprin and Alzheimer's, have found several on my good old friend Bayer. I take 2 325mg tablets a day and have for years, heart stuff runs in the family. Though I am feeing the body ravages of this disease, my brain is going slower than expected, I can only think that maybe those litte white pills have been helping for sometime, not with my spelling though. May you and yours have a blessed New Year and enjoy al the blessings the Lord has for you. God Bless & Keep You: joe

  6. You have become a dear friend Carol! I've learned so much from your blog and have shared 'you' with so many others. Love you!

  7. Congrats to you! May 2013 be a year of unexpected blessings!

  8. Congratulations, Carol, on four years of informing and encouraging others!

  9. Thanks so much for your encouragement! You have blessed me more than you know.
