Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Loving Her Husband" by Linda Bukowy

My creative friend, Linda Bukowy, writes poems for people. Her book, Treasures, published by Genie Publishing, has poetry she has written over the years. Here is the poem she wrote for me on the occasion of my husband's recent death.

If one could describe a caring heart
It would be named our loving Carol,
In all you did it showed forth love
Love that was poured into you from God above,
In all your times of loving care,
In sickness and health you were always there,
A loving caregiver is such a gift,
Being there for each other gives you both a lift,
Giving someone the gift of your time,
It says no matter what you are all mine,
To offer comfort in their greatest need,
Needing a touch from you, you follow their lead,
then it comes time to let them go,
You are able to, because you love them so,
No more sorrow, no more pain,
Only love, joy, peace, eternity to gain,
And when they go home to the greatest Caregiver of all,
God knows them by name, they have answered His call. 

Thank you, Linda, for penning a poem for me and sharing in my grief. 


Not to miss a beat in finding new markets, Hallmark has an apropos card as pictured above. It says:
New Cards for After Alzheimer's

Even through the twilight
that fell upon your loved one's mind,
the light of your love and care 
continued to shine,
bringing more comfort
than you may know.

And inside it reads:

You gave so much of yourself
in the face of great loss.
What a beautiful testament to your love
and to the importance and dignity
of a life we will never forget. 

Yes, Sweetheart, I will always love you and look forward to our reunion in Heaven. It was a privilege to be one of the select few who were able to comfort you at the end of your life and to remind you and us all of the hope of the Gospel.

Thanks to everyone for your cards, condolences, and hugs.


  1. What a sweet poem your friend wrote, Carol.It was a difficult path you walked with your husband, but I know it was rewarding in a lot of ways. I'm not sure I could have walked such a path so I admire you for doing so.


    1. Betty, I didn't know what was coming, and had to daily depend on God for strength in the journey. Often I ran to the hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" and Scripture such as Matthew 11:28-30. Also the thought that if the situation were reversed, my husband would have been there for me as well.
