Friday, August 13, 2010

Dr. Appointments

No man in his everylasting right mind would voluntarily want to have that prostate biopsy, would he! And on Friday, the thirteenth! Well he had it at 9 am. He humorously said it was like they stick something up your A___ to your tonsils! He didn't know the date and I didn't point it out.

So when hubby woke up 8/13 and I told him that he needed to shower and be ready to leave for the appointment, of course he was a grouch!

"I am not going!" he pronounced. Well I had that earlier on July 26 when he pronounced "take me home. I am not going to the doctor." Gentle reader, you can see that day below where, against my better judgment, I obeyed him.

So knowing what I was up against, I yelled "You are too going! I don't want you to get cancer because you didn't go today and this is highly treatable and common for a gentleman your age! I am setting the timer for 15 minutes and then you shower!" It worked. He obeyed me this time.

Now I am not the one to yell at a husband. Once my late husband heard me yell at students and he was soooo shocked because he had never heard me yell!

We will find out the results of the prostate biopsy in about a week. Meanwhile it may be a struggle to get my husband to the appointment next Tuesday--we drive up to a building in Tampa that has "Alzheimer's Institute" on the building! He is in denial about his short term memory. But that appointment may help us discover if he officially has Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia. Will he tell me to go home when he sees that? I will prepare him so he knows where we are going, however. Don't like to manipulate him. Want to keep that trust of me operative.

You see, folks, so far he trusts me and I aim to keep it that way. It's just hard to boss my husband around (doesn't seem biblical to me), but I take heart that I am his biblical helpmate.


  1. Some tough situations there. I do believe you are seeking to be the helpmate your husband needs and that God in his providence, brought you two together. For both your good and for His glory!
    Keep up the good work! I will pray for good results from the biopsy and a smooth appointment next week.

  2. Good Job! You are Hubby's helpmate and you are keeping God's commandments toward him. You are his rock in a time of confusion and trouble. God is your Rock and Strong Arm in a time of uncertainty. We pray also for a good result on the biopsy. Perhaps letting Hubby know that the Alzheimer Institute deals with other ailments besides only the one would be helpful. God will give you the words as you prayerfully consider how to present it to him.

  3. Praying for you here, too, as you prepare for taking your DH to the appointment next week!

  4. Hi Carol...
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and your sweet comments.

    We have a lot in common (unfortunately), ..but I'm so thankful that God has given us friends to laugh and cry with and support one another through this journey with our loved ones.

    I hope the biopsy is negative.....
    My prayers are with you and your husband...
